Berlin Schönefeld Airport

Zentralflughafen Berlin-Schönefeld, SXF

Historical approach and aerodrome charts East Germany

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN522241 E0133111 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 154 ft
Former East Germany (GDR)District of Potsdam
Federal stateBrandenburg
Location indicatorEDXS (196x), ETBS (197x-199x), EDDB (199x-)
Map with location of Berlin Schönefeld Airport, Germany

Location Indicator: EDXS, ETBS, EDDB

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 23 Berlin Schönefeld Airport, East Germany 1960
NDB approach runway 23 (October 1960) - The autobahn coming from Cottbus ends at today's Schönefelder Kreuz interchange at this time. A process turn is flown over lake Müggelsee. (Source: DDR / CIA)
NDB approach chart runway 23 Berlin Schönefeld Airport, Germany 1960
NDB approach runway 23 (October 1960) - Approach with "small box". Unclear is the obstacle immediately south of the Müggelsee lake with a height of 120 m above the ground. Possibly this already refers to the new Müggelturm tower, which was built at that time on the small Müggelberg hill, although a little further west. The total height of the mountain and tower is about 120 meters. Another obstacle at the lower end of the picture is the Königs Wusterhausen radio station with a height of 257 m. (Source: DDR / CIA)
VDF (VHF Direction Finder) approach chart runway 05 Berlin Schönefeld Airport, Germany 1960
VDF (VHF Direction Finder) approach runway 05 (October 1960) - There are no radio beacons In landing direction 05 (Source: DDR / CIA)
NDB approach chart runway 23 Berlin Schönefeld Airport, Germany 1960
NDB high level approach runway 23 (October 1960) - The approach starts at Flight Level 3500 m (3500 STD) and leads in the large loop down to a height of 600 m above the field. The radio beacon with the ident "AB" is located at Buntzelberg hill (Falkenberg) in Berlin-Bohnsdorf. The obstacle north of "AB" with a height of 231 m above ground might mean the Köpenick-Uhlenhorst broadcasting station, even if it was further east. (Source: DDR / CIA)
Airport chart Berlin Schönefeld, GDR 1960
Airport map (October 1960) - The runways of the former Henschel airfield are still in operation. But the new Runway I and new taxiways are already under construction (dashed lines). The direction finder (VDF) and the radio beacon "A" are located in the area between today's streets "Gebrüder-Hirth-Straße" and "Melitta-Schiller-Straße". (Source: DDR / CIA)


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East German Airfields

Historical approach and airfield plates

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