Barth Airport

Stralsund-Barth Airport

Historical approach and aerodrome charts East Germany

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN542017 E0124234 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 7 m
Former East Germany (GDR)District of Rostock
Federal stateMecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
RegionBaltic Sea, Darß peninsula
Location indicatorEDXB (196x), ETBH (-199x), EDBH (199x-)
Map with location of Barth Airport Germany


Barth airfield was located in the north of the GDR, near the Baltic Sea. Until the end of 1975 the airfield was used for domestic flights, afterwards it only served as a base for agricultural aviation. You can find further information about the history of this field via the link below the maps.

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 27 Barth Airport, East Germany 1960
Standard NDB approach runway 27 (October 1960) - The map still shows the Darßbahn railway from Barth to Prerow and the route of the Franzburger Kreisbahn railway to Damgarten. (Source: GDR / CIA)
NDB approach chart runway 27 Barth airfield, GDR 1960
NDB approach runway 27 with "small box" (October 1960) (Source: GDR / CIA)
NDB approach chart runway 09 Barth aerodrome, Germany 1960
NDB approach runway 09 (October 1960) - There were no radio beacons in landing direction 09. Here the radio beacons in the east were also used, to fly visually (VFR) after the turn. (Source: GDR / CIA)
Chart of Barth Airport, GDR 1960
Airport (October 1960) - South of the field the Franzburger Kreisbahn railway passes by. (Source: GDR / CIA)

In the 1970s

These maps from 1976 were used for agricultural flights. The domestic traffic was stopped shortly before.

Site plan 1976
Site plan (January 1976) (Source: East German VFR manual for agricultural aviation)
Visual approach chart 1976
Visual approach chart (January 1976) (Source: East German VFR manual for agricultural aviation)
Map of Barth aerodrome zone, GDR January 1976
Aerodrome zone (January 1976) (Source: East German VFR manual for agricultural aviation)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons:

  • Barth Locator "B", "BH", Middle Marker

Air traffic control:

  • Barth Tower


  • Barth, Barthe, Barther Bodden, Der Grabow, Divitz, Frauendorf, Hermannsdorf, Kenz, Kummerow, Löbnitz, Nisdorf, Prerow, Rubitz, Velgast, Wieck


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East German Airfields

Historical approach and airfield plates

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