November 26, 2024
Cyberattacks in France in the 4th quarter 2023.

Cyber incident overview

Cyberattacks France 4th quarter 2023
License Creative Commons BY 4.0. Credits: KonBriefing Research
Diagram in high resolution (License: Creative Commons BY 4.0):

Which companies were affected by a cyber attack?

1October 2023 ?LyonProfessional basketball teamAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Métropole de Lyon,ASVEL
22023ParisMass transit authorityÎle-de-France, Transportation,Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Île-de-France Mobilités
3October 7, 2023NeufchâteauHospitalGrand Est, Département Vosges, Healthcare,Clinic, Hospital,Centre Hospitalier de l'Ouest Vosgien
4October 12, 2023PauFire / emergency serviceNouvelle-Aquitaine, Département Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Emergency service, Rescue,Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours des Pyrénées-Atlantiques (SDIS 64)
5October 13, 2023Marigny-le-LozonCare facilityNormandy, Département Manche, Healthcare,Welfare, Social,Ehpad 'Les Hortensias'
6October 21, 2023CarcassonneHousing authorityOccitanie, Département Aude, Real estate,Welfare, Social,Habitat Audois
7October 22, 2023ParisMusic streaming providerÎle-de-France,Deezer
8October 24, 2023ParisWater utilityÎle-de-France, Disposal, Utility,Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP)
9October 26, 2023AnnecyCity governmentAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Département Haute-Savoie, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,City administration, City government, municipality, town hall,Ville d’Annecy
10October 26, 2023Saint-Sulpice-la-PointeWinegrowers' cooperativeOccitanie, Département Tarn, Groceries, Food,Vinovalie
11October 27, 2023BastiaShipping companyCorse, Transportation,Boats, Martime, Ships,Corsica Ferries
12November 6, 2023OrléansAdministration of a DepartmentCentre-Val de Loire, Département Loiret, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Département Loiret
13November 6, 2023Aix-en-ProvenceSoftware companyProvence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Département Bouches-du-Rhône,Élap
14November 6, 2023ParisEducation agencyÎle-de-France, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger (AEFE)
15November 10, 2023CréteilService providerÎle-de-France, Département Val-de-Marne,Derichebourg
16November 16, 2023Cherbourg-en-CotentinClinicNormandy, Département Manche, Healthcare,Polyclinique du Cotentin
17November 17, 2023ParisSewage disposal companyÎle-de-France, Disposal, Utility,Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP)
18November 29, 2023AmbèsLogistics companyNouvelle-Aquitaine, Département Gironde, Transportation,Logistics,Groupe Guyamier
19November 2023Fashion companyRetail,Clothing, Fashion,Zadig & Voltaire
202023National ServiceAdministration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Service National Universel (SNU)
21December 8, 2023AdministrationNouvelle-Calédonie, Province des îles Loyauté, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Province des îles Loyauté
22December 8, 2023MarmandeIT service providerNouvelle-Aquitaine, Département Lot-et-Garonne,Coaxis Solutions
23December 9, 2023Ozoir-la-FerrièreMunicipalityÎle-de-France, Département Seine-et-Marne, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,City administration, City government, municipality, town hall
24December 10, 2023TarbesPlanning companyOccitanie, Département Hautes-Pyrénées, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,Compagnie d'aménagement des coteaux de Gascogne (CACG)
25December 17, 2023SèteNews portalOccitanie, Département Hérault,Le Singulier
26December 2023Saint-DenisParcel serviceRéunion, Logistics,Transportation,Colipays Réunion
27December 29, 2023FouesnantMunicipalityBretagne, Département Finistère, Administration, Authority, Government, Public sector,City administration, City government, municipality, town hall,Ville de Fouesnant, Communauté de communes du pays fouesnantais (CCPF)

Cyber attacks statistics

By month

Cyberattacks France 4th quarter 2023 by month
License Creative Commons BY 4.0. Credits: KonBriefing Research
Diagram in high resolution (License: Creative Commons BY 4.0):

By industry

Cyberattacks France 4th quarter 2023 by industry
License Creative Commons BY 4.0. Credits: KonBriefing Research
Diagram in high resolution (License: Creative Commons BY 4.0):


  • The statistics are based on the known incidents listed here.
  • Since only some of the cases become known, the evaluations are not representative.
  • Industries where incidents are immediately visible due to public access (e.g. healthcare) are more represented than others.
  • An incident may be assigned to multiple countries or industries. Also, a country cannot always be assigned. So the totals shown on the charts may be different.
  • The graphics may be reused according to the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 / CC BY 4.0 (attribution: KonBriefing Research).

Details, examples and sources

Flag FranceOctober 2023 ?
Cyber attack on a professional basketball team from France
ASVEL - Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Flag FranceOctober 24, 2023
Cyber attack on a water utility in France
Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP) - Paris, Île-de-France, France
Flag FranceNovember 16, 2023
Ransomware at a clinic in France
Polyclinique du Cotentin - Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Normandy, France
Flag FranceNovember 17, 2023
Cyber attack on a sewage disposal company in France
Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP) - Paris, Île-de-France, France

About KonBriefing Research

KonBriefing Research is an independent researcher and analyst in the field of IT security, information security, risk management and compliance. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in Germany.

About the author

Bert Kondruss
Bert Kondruss
Founder and managing director of KonBriefing Research

Cyber attacks worldwide

Cyber attacks worldwide
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